Thursday, December 2, 2010

wow its been 6 months??

JayNessa Alana Brown 6 months old

JayNessa has just been the light of our world :)
JayNessa is everyone's favorite
its hard to imagine life when JayNessa wasn't a part of it
JayNessa is the best baby I could have asked for
she rarely cries
she loves to cuddle, hug, kiss, laugh, squeeze, be loved
and is just as happy to see you, as you are  to see her
This baby girl makes me smile daily :)
and may I add...
she is such a doll!!
(she did get shots the day before these pics or she'd probably be smiling in them all)

She is just soo full of life 
soooo interested in what is going on around her
 I think she looks like a gerber baby

and that she has natural beauty even with out a bow
 I LOVE you BABE!!!!